

Philippians 2:12


Philippians 2:12

Philippians 2:12 instructs one to “work out your own salvation”. This passage has taken a sad turn in the hearts of many to believe salvation is to be worked out however it best fits one’s personal desires.

This passage fits in the middle of those who say salvation is all up to God -- you cannot do it on your own, and those who say "It is all up to me" -- walking in self-sufficiency independent from God.

“Work out your own salvation” indicates salvation is a continuing growth process, which begins at the time of forgiveness of sins when one first becomes a Christian and is completed at the time of death or the Lord’s second coming.

The phrase “work out” means “accomplish, achieve” complete the salvation provided in continuing to submit, trust, and obey God. For example, "The student worked out a problem in math." In the previous statement, we understand the student took the problem and worked it properly to its ultimate conclusion. To say “the couple worked out their problem” means they came to a solution through the process of implementing particular attitudes and actions until the problem was resolved.

In one sense we are saved (Acts 2:47;  Ephesians 2:5). In another sense, we are yet to be saved (1 Peter 1:5). The salvation we are yet to experience eternally needs humble, loving cooperation by each Christian with God’s will (Philippians 2:13)…

In Philippians 2:4 the emphasis is not looking each of you “to his own things”. The same idea is in v.12, this is “your own salvation”. Both passages show it is what you have, it is not another’s “things” or another’s  “salvation”. “His OWN things” and “your OWN salvation” refers to your personal possession, not another’s.  No one owns your possession nor is another to work out your salvation for you. Neither one is inherited nor given to another. Neither is your salvation to be dependent upon another’s presence or absence. It is yours!

Understand this passage in view of Acts 2:40. The Bible says “save yourselves”.  It does not mean save yourself the best way you can from this evil generation. It means take personal interest in your salvation. Do something about it to work for God’s pleasure, not your own. There is no permission implied to work it out the way you choose.  If so, freedom to choose your way of salvation would permit universalism or having an indifferent attitude and no passion at all for being saved. The pattern of salvation is not of one’s choosing, but is outlined in the Bible.

Philippians 2:12 is having salvation and completing it. Daily working upon it with “fear and trembling” – serious, reverent, respect, not lazy or indifference, knowing eternity is at stake. Have you thought about what your attitude is toward your salvation?  We either humbly work on it or we lose it!...