



Augustine said of himself he was nothing but “a guide to his own downfall.” God helped man to see the same about himself in Jeremiah 10.23: “The way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walks to direct his steps.” 

The dependence upon guidance is evident in Philip question to the Ethiopian eunuch, “Understandest thou what thou readest?” The eunuch responded by asking, “How can I except someone shall guide me?” (Acts 8:30-31).

How do you travel many miles through a wilderness land in which you have never been?  The children of Israel’s guiding “light” to reach the Promised Land was the guidance of a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21-22)

The path of righteousness, truth, and holiness needs guiding pages of direction. Jesus knew truth toward the presence of all these matters which please God need the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13)

Students in school need guidance counselors to help establish their courses in high school, find colleges to attend, or deal with crises at home or in school. Workers on a production line need training to efficiently run equipment in a manufacturing plant. If were not for GPS, where we would be today? LOST, still trying to find our way. The directions placed in a box with what we purchase have all the information on how something is put together for our use.

No one lives without the need for guidance at some point. WHY?

Our decision-making is horrendous without proper teaching. What is the first step in overcoming temptation?  What should I do about my anxious heart?  Where can I take a burden in my life?   What is the best decision toward resolving a troubled marriage?  What church is the right church?   How can I know except someone guide me?

Guidance is submission to my personal inadequacy. I do not know every thing. No matter how much I learn and what I learn, there is always far more I do not know. Rather than relying upon instinct, “sixth sense”, “doesn’t feel right”, or “feel so good”, our dependency upon a true guide for our conscience needs scripture.

My patient reading and meditation upon scripture is submissive dependency upon the knowledge and judgments of God whose ways and thoughts are vastly higher than mine (Isaiah 55:6-9). Those pages of right living by God come alive as soon as I read a few pages. They express a more perfect and complete direction rather than guessing which church is the right church, how to raise children, the responsibilities of husbands and wives, or the plan of salvation. God’s word is a delightful, transforming lighted path of guidance. Read it. Trust its direction.