

Drinking Bottled Water


Drinking Bottled Water

            Our country has been on a bottled water binge for a number of years. Many view the spring water or the purified water as “safe drinking”. We are told the packaged water does not have all the additives municipal water purification plants add to the water before distributing it to the public. Although, water is free from public faucets and drinking fountains, people still purchase bottled water. People choose to pay for something “better for you” than enjoy it at no cost in most public places. Does that mean paying for a product is more superior to something you can receive for free?

            If it was of necessity, what would you pay to “get to heaven”?  There is not enough money or possessions in the world to make a deposit toward a place in heaven. Jesus has paid and paved the way (John 14:6;  Hebrews 12:2). We could not pay the price our Lord paid. He paid it all. All to Him I owe. I owe Him my life, my all (Matthew 22:37). Instead of me believing there is some extraordinary deed or charitable act I can do to “get to heaven”.  I need to see how I can reach and drink of the “living water” Jesus provides (John 4:10).

            The first consideration is how thirsty are you. Is your greatest thirst spiritual or physical? You may believe God, but your belief should carry you to “diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). This is not a one-time quenching of thirst. Our life should forever long for being quenched by the “living water” provided in Christ. True thirst in Him leads to true fulfillment (Matthew 5:6). As Jesus said in John 4:14, this water He gives “shall become in him a well of water springing up unto eternal life.” (consider Revelation 21:6).

            We can thirst for all the world provides, drink its pleasures, and gulp all it offers, but none of it will achieve the salvation nor hope we need. No matter if it is free. There is often a price to pay for saving our life rather than losing it for Christ (Mark 8:36-38). For all we exchange for what Jesus offers to quench our spiritual thirst, remember this. God’s fountain will never run dry. Drink from this life-giving stream today and every day.