

"And He Gave Some..."

“And He gave some…”

            Whose takes the assignment to teach a soul and fulfills what God has commanded?  Ephesians 4:11 is our answer. “And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers…”

            The people who have been saved by the riches of God’s grace are attached to this command to teach (Ephesians 3:10). No one is left out of this opportunity. The task is not laid upon building a website, creating a FACEBOOK page, or an evangelism agency. The responsibility is for a person in Christ to reach someone who will listen to the good news about the Lord. Rather than depending upon other people, organized structures, or electronic devices to teach. Do this the way of the ancient teachers. Talk to them. PERSON to PERSON contact was, is, and forever will be the way to teach the powerful message of the gospel (Romans 1:14-16).  Paul knew a letter was helpful, but he wanted to see them, be with them, and help them understand.

            What is so important about individual Christians teaching?           

            A person who witnesses in your words and actions a solid dedication and loving commitment to the Lord who saved you will be impacted. You cannot sell what you do not own. Therefore, make sure you are living the “newness of life” (Romans 6:4) represented by who you are – a servant of Christ.

            Christ has no hands or voices but ours. Christians are members of His body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Each part of that body does the work given by Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16). His choice was individual Christians to carry the message of deliverance to a lost world. We are “created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:10). Among those “good works” is the need to teach others the news of salvation.

            Appreciate your own salvation (Romans 6:17). Personally teaching others increases your faith. The more you teach the greater interest you have in spiritual things (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). The greater experience you have with the word of God (Hebrews 5:12-14). You increase in wisdom (Luke 2:52). The more you allow Jesus to lead your life (Galatians 2:20). The more the image of Jesus is reflected in you (Matthew 10:24,25;  1 John 2:3-6).

            You are the next teacher. Your assignment is another soul. Your words are the gospel. Your support is prayer. Your reason is the salvation of a soul. Your appeal is God’s love. Your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). It is time to GO!!…